Sean McCann - Background Sound Two 3''cdr [self-released, 2009]

Limited brandnew 3''cdr by Sean McCann, being far away
from all classic sounding Artists bringing a wonderful sweet
one Track Droning Piece of Heaven and continuing this
Man's search for new wonderful varying deep Music Listening Experience
which is getting you High in the Sky, definitive essential.
Check out his Label Roll Over Rover !

Zach Troxell - Portals and Gates c3o [pizza night, 2009]

You Guys know some John Carpenter Soundtracks ? These coming
into my Mind listening to the new Tape by Zach Troxell,
one Half of Ruling Underground Duo Fragments, he makes his
own Thing here, mellow Synth Hymns that show a bit different Side than
in Fragments, hope he Releases some more,
Fantastic Cassette. Pizza Night Rules !

Analog Concept_2xcs [digitalis limited, 2009]

No Need here for Ultra Digitalized Edited Music,
Alexey (or Ivan !? höhö) from Russia takes his old Synthesizers
and demonstrate how Good simple Analog Synth can be.
Trance like Atmosphere and a Deepness that so many
Today's Digital Music Releases are missing...
Sometimes it's like a Time-Warp back in the old Dayzz of Guys
exploring this new Instrument, but we have 2009 and this
awesome long Double Tape is Fresssh like the Air on a clear cold
Morning !
Sold Out at Source, but grab this if a Distributor still has Copys !

mkm (Kahn-Möslang-Müller) - mkm_msa [for4ears, 2008]

Slamming Experimental Attack of
this All-Star Team, all Live Excerpts of Concerts
in South America and Mexico, sounding Massive
and giving you a Taste of these Masters Live...
Improvisation on the highest possible Level,
just Awesome.

Günter Müller: ipod, electronics
Jason Kahn: analog synthesizer
Norbert Möslang: cracked everyday-electronics