Earth Station - 58 c20 [young tapes, 2008]

Another nice Cassette by Young Tapes, first Side is a
nice sounding Mix of Sampled famous Tunes of History,
Music and other Obscure Stuff, bit Cheesy but ok,
second is straight noisy Outer Space Kosmos...

Sky Limousine - Air c20 [tusco embassy, 2009]

Total Relaxed Space Meeting with Sky Limousine,
Lucid Dreaming for your Health !!! Love it :-)

Hunting Rituals - st_3''cdr [cloud valley, 2008]

Creepy Sounds from Cloud Valley Labelhead Scott,
one of the finest Experimental Noise Things
lately, mystique and full of Deepness, right out
of the Forest haha...
Limited little Disc of Goodieness !!!

Steve Kenney - In the Sphere, I am Everywhere c20 [nurse etiquette, 2009]

You get soaked into the Darkest Hole of Blackness,
total Abyss of Existence, no Escape...
Steve Kenney is here and Commands his Boards like
no other, Awakening of the tru End !!!